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Our New Rector

With great joy, the Vestry of Christ Church is pleased to announce that we have called a new Rector, the Rev. Charles Graves IV! We eagerly look forward to welcoming Rev. Charles and his husband Chris on September 8, 2024, which will be their first Sunday with us.

Words cannot adequately express our appreciation for the dedication and excellent work of our Search Committee. Thank you all for bringing us to this new exciting day

A letter from our new Rector

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So if anyone is in Christ, there is a new creation: everything old has passed away; look, new things have come into being! (2 Corinthians 5:17) NRSV


Dear People of God at Christ Church, Shaker Heights,

With absolute joy and faithful excitement, I greet you for the first time as your incoming rector. We serve a God full of surprises, and I cannot begin to describe what a blessed wonder it is for me to be called to serve among you as your priest. I’ve spent my life as an Episcopalian, and for the last five years, I have served as the Episcopal minister to several public universities in Houston, Texas. I have been honored to exponentially grow our community of young adults by meeting them where they are and sharing the many gifts of our radically inclusive Christ-centered faith. Before that, I held various ministry roles at Church of the Advent, Cincinnati, Christ Church Cathedral, Cincinnati, and St. Paul’s Episcopal Church in Rome, Italy, each of which has uniquely formed me to help guide our Christ Church community as a proud witness in Shaker Heights. I also serve as a member of the Executive Council of the Episcopal Church and on several other committees in our denominational structure. 


When a friend first encouraged me to read your profile, I was enthralled with your standing as a diverse and diversifying congregation, your passion for raising up children and youth in their faith, and, more than anything, your eagerness to get outside of your doors to embrace the growing populations of Shaker Heights, the Van Aken District, and your surrounding communities. That God has brought us together is yet another sign for me that our God of surprises is still in the business of making all things new! My husband Chris and I can’t wait to join you on September 8th, my first Sunday as your new rector. I look forward to meeting you then, and I can’t wait to journey with you in the coming years as God continues to reveal new opportunities in our ministry together. Until then, please know that I am praying for you daily, and I hope you will pray for our family as we prepare to move from Texas to join you in Shaker Heights and;


May the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace in believing so that you may abound in hope by the power of the Holy Spirit. (Romans 15:13) NRSV


Faithfully in Christ,

Rev. Charles Graves IV+ 


We are beyond excited to welcome Rev. Graves and his family into our church

A Letter from our Wardens

Dear Christ Church friends,

With great joy, the Vestry of Christ Church is pleased to announce that we have called the Rev. Charles Graves IV to be our fourteenth rector. We are eagerly looking forward to welcoming the Rev. Charles Graves IV and his spouse Chris on Sunday, September 8, 2024. Charles was the unanimous choice of our Search Committee and Bishop Anne B. Jolly affirmed the call.


Charles recently served as Campus Missioner to several universities in Houston. He began his ordained ministry as a curate at Church of the Advent in Cincinnati, and previously served in lay leadership at Christ Church Cathedral in Cincinnati and St. Paul’s Episcopal Church in Rome, Italy. Charles is a proud son of St. James Episcopal Church in Baltimore Maryland, where he was mentored by then-rector (and later Presiding Bishop) Michael Curry. Charles brings his experience of working with youth and a love of Jesus that will inspire and lead us into our community and the neighborhood spreading the Gospel message.


We are grateful for the commitment and dedication of our Search Committee on behalf of the people of Christ Church these past fifteen months. With faithfulness, prayer, and thoughtfulness, Amy McKenney led the Search Committee, with the assistance of Chet Bowling, the diocesan consultant. From the three parish focus group sessions, which addressed the parish’s needs, the Search Committee assessed each candidate to determine who would be the best match for the next chapter of our history. As representatives of our parish, each member devoted many hours to meetings, interviews, and prayer. Thank you to Amy McKenney, chair, and members Mollie Borgione, Carol Franklin, Anne McLain, John Mercer, Jeremy Phillips, and Jack Shelley.


Throughout our transition period with guidance from the Holy Spirit under the contemplative guidance of the Rev. Sally Goodall, our prayers have been answered. Please continue your prayers for Charles and Chris that they may have a smooth move to Shaker Heights and that God may bless Christ Church as God continues to work in our hearts and leads us to be disciples of Christ.



Betty Kondrich

Senior Warden


Rhonda Haugebook-Paige

Junior Warden

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