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Adult Formation

Adult Forum - Sunday Mornings at 9:15 a.m. 


Adult Forum covers a variety of topics throughout the year, offering ample opportunity for adults of all ages to engage in conversations about their faith and how we practice it in our lives. Held in the Good Shepherd Room


Bible Study - Wednesday Mornings, 8 a.m. on Zoom

All are welcome! If you would like more information, email the church office at


Other Adult Programs

We offer a variety of other adult programs throughout the year such as Inquirer's Classes, Lenten Series, and Retreats. Keep an eye on our parish communications for details on seasonal programs.


"I'm profoundly moved whenever adults come together to share their faith. We have dedicated time between our two Sunday services in which there are different leaders and different topics. It's a wonderful way to grow my own faith and to hear the faith stories of others."


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